The New Evangelisation
In Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis calls us to become ‘missionary disciples’ and explains that ‘to make this missionary impulse ever more focused, generous and fruitful, I encourage each particular Church to undertake a resolute process of discernment, purification and reform.’ (EG 30)
The Diocese is embarking on a journey to respond to the Pope’s call of discernment to see how we can in our parishes reflect upon our gifts and discern more deeply how we might best share the good news that Jesus Christ has triumphed over sin and death, and walks with us to lead us to new life.
The Diocese is embarking on a journey to respond to the Pope’s call of discernment to see how we can in our parishes reflect upon our gifts and discern more deeply how we might best share the good news that Jesus Christ has triumphed over sin and death, and walks with us to lead us to new life.

The School of Annunciation
We are extremely blessed and fortunate that here in Devon, within the beautiful grounds of Buckfast Abbey, The School of the Annunciation has been founded. With Ecclesiastical approval given by Bishop Mark O’Toole, the school is a centre for adult formation, responding to the Church’s call for a New Evangelisation, in which the Catholic Faith is joyfully transmitted anew in all its beauty, depth and vigour. For more information on the Courses available and their recent partnership with Franciscan University Steubenville, USA please visit their website by clicking here.
We are extremely blessed and fortunate that here in Devon, within the beautiful grounds of Buckfast Abbey, The School of the Annunciation has been founded. With Ecclesiastical approval given by Bishop Mark O’Toole, the school is a centre for adult formation, responding to the Church’s call for a New Evangelisation, in which the Catholic Faith is joyfully transmitted anew in all its beauty, depth and vigour. For more information on the Courses available and their recent partnership with Franciscan University Steubenville, USA please visit their website by clicking here.