Thank you for visiting our 'donate' page. Every penny counts towards the upkeep of the parish. Setting up a regular donation is very easy and you can do it by either weekly envelope or by standing order through your bank. If you'd like to set up a regular donation then just get in touch with the parish office and our secretary will send you out the correct form to complete.
By Standing Order
When you donate by standing order you can decide the frequency of your donations (weekly, monthly, etc.) and how much you donate. You can also amend your donation with your bank whenever you want and cancel your donation whenever you want. You can quickly set up a standing order using your online or telephone banking and by quoting the bank account information below or by downloading the form below.
Please make these payable to “PRCDTR Holy Trinity Parish”.
One-Off Gift
You can also use your online or telephone banking to make a payment to “PRCDTR Holy Trinity Parish” with the bank account information below.
Recipient: PRCDTR Holy Trinity Parish
Sort code: 56-00-63
Account no: 05073634 (NatWest)
If you are able to enter a reference, please put ‘GIFT’.
By Weekly Envelope
When you donate by weekly envelope you will receive a box of envelopes which you can use each week, if you want to. You don’t have to use every envelope and you can give as little of as much as you want each week.
Gift Aid Explained
Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of giving to charity. It is a scheme administered by the Inland Revenue which allows us to claim 25p of every £1 that you donate. So, for example, if you donate £20 we can claim an extra £5, making your gift worth £25. You simply need to have paid or will pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax that is at least equal to the tax that Holy Trinity parish and other charities will reclaim on your donations in a tax year.
If you'd like to use Gift Aid for your donations then please contact Fiona in the Parish Office and she will be able to start this off for you.
By Standing Order
When you donate by standing order you can decide the frequency of your donations (weekly, monthly, etc.) and how much you donate. You can also amend your donation with your bank whenever you want and cancel your donation whenever you want. You can quickly set up a standing order using your online or telephone banking and by quoting the bank account information below or by downloading the form below.
Please make these payable to “PRCDTR Holy Trinity Parish”.
One-Off Gift
You can also use your online or telephone banking to make a payment to “PRCDTR Holy Trinity Parish” with the bank account information below.
Recipient: PRCDTR Holy Trinity Parish
Sort code: 56-00-63
Account no: 05073634 (NatWest)
If you are able to enter a reference, please put ‘GIFT’.
By Weekly Envelope
When you donate by weekly envelope you will receive a box of envelopes which you can use each week, if you want to. You don’t have to use every envelope and you can give as little of as much as you want each week.
Gift Aid Explained
Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of giving to charity. It is a scheme administered by the Inland Revenue which allows us to claim 25p of every £1 that you donate. So, for example, if you donate £20 we can claim an extra £5, making your gift worth £25. You simply need to have paid or will pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax that is at least equal to the tax that Holy Trinity parish and other charities will reclaim on your donations in a tax year.
If you'd like to use Gift Aid for your donations then please contact Fiona in the Parish Office and she will be able to start this off for you.